Dental Surgery

The term dental surgery refers to any operation, surgical procedure which is done on a patient’s teeth, gums, jaws, bones and other oral structures. Some of the most common dental surgeries are extractions, implant plantations, gum and bone grafts, jaw surgeries. The operations and surgeries are performed under the effect of local anesthesia or preferably under general anesthesia, which totally depends on the comfort of the patient.

What are the most common dental surgeries?

The most common surgery is considered to be teeth extraction (removal of tooth) as almost 90% of people need to have their wisdom teeth extracted as they can disrupt the natural order of the rest of the teeth. Although, wisdom teeth are not the only teeth that require extraction. Any other teeth might need extraction due to reasons such as severe decays, bone and gum diseases, dental traumas. Sometimes tooth extractions are performed to prepare you for dentures or other prosthetic devices.

Second most common dental surgery can be considered as implant plantation surgery. Implants can be considered as artificial tooth roots placed in bones to fill the area where there is missing tooth or teeth. A dental implant procedure is performed by inserting artificial tooth roots. These implants bond with your jawbone, allowing the dentist or oral surgeon to place replacement teeth called crowns. Dental implants can be an option if you have one or more missing permanent teeth. They’re made to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth.

Fequently Asked Questions

If the patient’s wisdom teeth are decayed, pain-causing, inflamed, squeezing the adjacent teeth, and do not come out properly, they should be extracted. If the situation is normal and there is no pressure, it is not necessary.

The cotton applied to the relevant area after tooth extraction should be squeezed by teeth for 30 minutes. This tampon stops the bleeding that occurred during the operation. If it is changed too often, coagulation would be prolonged. Therefore, it is not recommended. With the reduced effect of local anesthesia applied to the patient, mild pain may be felt.

People can take pain relievers in this situation. However, hot-water showers, and staying outside in hot weather should be avoided. Alcohol and smoking are not allowed. If you are not sure about the sanitation of the food, it should not be consumed. The wound that occurred as a result of the operation would close in around 1-2 weeks. During this process, the patient should pay extra attention to oral hygiene.

There are two answers to this question. If there is no inflammation in the area, implants can be done. However, if that is the case, the synthetic bone powder is applied and the patient needs to wait until recovery.


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